The People Who Make Anything Worth It
Significant changes in life often lead to reflection, and I find myself waxing thoughtful and philosophical upon my most recent significant change . . .
A little over 5 years ago, I left a job physically and mentally broken down and needing a break. Out of that career pause, I was recruited into a consulting job that sounded like the perfect solution for someone who had no energy left to climb the corporate ladder. Now, for the first time in 5 years, I am moving on to a permanent role, and I find myself thinking about the people who have led to this day. Amazing people who have influenced my path by advocating for me, sharing wisdom with me, pushing me to grow, and confirming that I am valued. These individuals, more than any paycheck, perk, or promotion, make up some of the highlights of my career thus far.
There is the incredible professional who in 2020 said yes to my request to transfer from Seattle to Nashville and helped me get paid WHILE I moved across the country between assignments. She kept me employed in the midst of a very difficult year with few opportunities, checked in on me, and overall just made sure I was okay. Ultimately, she was responsible for the extra effort and pains it took to connect me to the next person on my list.
There is a leader who took a consultant living in Nashville and helped facilitate her remote assignment to a DC company within her jurisdiction. But her advocacy did not stop there. She ensured I got the maximum possible raises and went above and beyond to give me the best possible opportunities over the following 3 years. I know these things did not always represent the easiest path for her, and I will always be grateful knowing she acted as a great leader does with genuineness and caring actions.
There is someone who first made me believe great bosses still exist in the traditional (non-consulting) corporations. Not only did her IQ and EQ impress me, she genuinely cared about her team. Intelligence and effectiveness can be found in some people. Finding kind and humble leadership alongside those things is a rarity.
This is the same person who one year later gave me an opportunity to be involved in an implementation. She took a chance on me as this involved areas of non-accounting data in which I had no prior experience. I found myself growing skills as a consultant when I would normally be utilized for only areas where I had previously worked. There were growing pains and learning curves, but I was given grace.
Then finally there are the individuals who said, yes, we will advocate for your employment, even though it represented policy exceptions and a lot of extra effort. People who said, yes, we value you. You are worth it.
When I was a teenager, my Dad told me, people are what make anything worth it. And he was right. So thank you to each of these individuals. You know who you are. And you are amazing. I hope you know you made a difference.
Kerns Lindsey
Thanks for sharing. Still staying in Tennessee?
Yes, I will remain a TN resident with just a bit more travel in my life. 🙂 Otherwise, I might have to change my blog name!
Susie J
Love this! What an incredible honouring for those you’ve worked with that were truly there believing in you. I hope they each get sent a copy of this, it would be such an encouragement.
Well done!
Love you friend!
Thank you for sharing. Knowing you, you gave your all to these opportunities. It’s nice to see that you acknowledged and honored those who helped pull you up the ladder. It shows you are truly grateful.